viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Improving the faculty

The faculty needs a lot of things that we can change as members of it. It is important to make a difference trying to do something for our studies home. The first thing is to create a way to know what is the most important thing that we must change. Like a quiz. Then show it to the authorities of our faculty and demand them to work together. I guess this is the best way to get something real.
Starting from here there's no doubt that we will achieve our target.
Well, having this one of the most necessary topic is to change all the computers.
So we can work and study as we want.
The second thing is how to deal with all the time that we have in class and the time that we don't have like free time or recreation time. Important to us to give sense to our life. And here we must work again with teachers and authorities who are in charge on this important topic. Trying to find the way to get the important things that we need as students and mixing with the life outside the faculty.
Dificult situation but not a impossible thing. Because being somebody in this society is very important as a professional and as an integral person.
I think these are the most important topics that we need now to fix.
And like I said. A lot of sharing work.

Well, a big hug...
See ya !!!

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